卧龙控股集团有限公司 2023届校园招聘简章


卧龙集团 2023 年校园招聘 

 Wolong 2023 Campus Recruitment  

一、关于我们 About Us
卧龙创建于 1984 年,总部位于浙江绍兴,是一家致力于向全球用户提供安全、高效、智 能、绿色的电驱动力系统解决方案和全生命周期服务解决方案的全球领先工业企业。  Wolong, founded in 1984 and headquartered in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, is  a global leading industrial enterprise committed to providing safe, efficient, smart  and green power drive system solutions with life-long supporting services to global  users.  卧龙秉承“用科技驱动未来,让世界更加美好”的初心,时刻践行以客户为中心的宗旨, 深耕行业,着力打造各个细分行业领跑者。卧龙以技术唤醒智慧生活,以绿色驱控系统为白 电、厨电、园林电器贡献智慧解决方案;以高效节能的暖通、供水、电梯系统赋予建筑楼宇 绿色生命力,助力打造便捷、舒适、低碳的生活环境;卧龙借助全球技术平台,赋能油气、 石化、冶金、电力、造纸等行业,贡献绿色驱控技术;同时全面布局电动大交通领域,为电 动汽车、船舶、飞机提供动力系统;卧龙运用电力电子技术和工业互联网技术,针对不同行 业的应用场景,制定低碳、数字化系统解决方案,为客户创造价值;卧龙以工业自动化助推 产业变革,积累了超过 3900 个自动化解决方案,助力全球用户打造未来工厂;卧龙也积极 投身于绿色能源转型,全面参与风电、光伏、氢能、储能等行业,帮助客户优化能源结构, 降低碳排放。  As part of its commitment to shaping the future with technology to make the  world a better place, the company consistently upholds the concept of customercentric, leading-edge technology that expands the scope of supports and builds its  leadership in various industry segments. With the help of technology, Wolong  promotes smarter ways of living and offers green drive control solutions for  household appliances, kitchenware and garden appliances. The company also offers  energy-efficient drive solutions to HVAC, Water supply, Elevators system to embed  green buildings to create a convenient, comfortable, low-carbon living environment.  Wolong empowers efficient drive technologies to Oil and Gas, Petrochemical,  Metallurgy, Power, Paper and other industries as well as provides green power system  solutions to a comprehensive electric transportation fields, including electric vehicles,  ships and aircrafts. With adoption of power electronics and industrial Internet
technologies, Wolong develops low-carbon and digital system solutions to create  better values for customers in various industries. The company uses industrial  automation to drive transformations and accumulated more than 3,900 automation  solutions to help global users building the factory of the future. It also actively  engaged in the green energy transformation and fully participating in Wind Power,  Photovoltaic, Hydrogen Energy, Energy Storage and etc., to help customers optimize  their energy structure and reduce carbon emissions.  卧龙业务遍及全球,坚持以“区域化制造、区域化配套”服务当地客户,为客户创造价 值。公司在全球拥有遍布北美、欧洲、亚洲的 39 家工厂,5 大研发中心(上海、京都、杜塞 尔多夫、密西根、特伦甘纳邦),以及遍布全球的销售、服务网络,为客户打造安全、高效、 稳定的技术服务体系、供应保障体系以及售后服务体系。卧龙旗下拥有众多品牌,通过严格 的质量体系和价格体系,为我们全球客户提供优质的个性化产品和服务。  Wolong’s global footprint enables regional manufacturing for regional  support. The company has 39 factories throughout North America, Europe and Asia,  5 major R&D centres (Shanghai, Kyoto, Dusseldorf, Michigan, Telangana), and sales  and service network all over the world. The company creates a safe, efficient and  stable technology and supply chain systems that offer first class after-sales supports  and services. Wolong owns 10 sub-brands, with strict quality system and pricing  system, offers global customers with well-made customized products and services.  卧龙,驱动未来!  Wolong, Power your future!  二、人才需求 Talents Requirements
国际营销培训生 International Sales Trainee(5)  
岗位职责 Job Description  
1)负责产品的市场渠道开拓与销售工作,执行并完成总部要求的年度销售计划;  Be responsible for the market channel development and sales revenue of products,  implement and achieve the annual sales target required by the headquarters;  2)根据总部市场营销战略,提升销售价值,控制成本,扩大产品在所负责区域的销售,扩大 产品市场占有率;
According to the marketing strategy of the headquarters, improve the sales value,  control the cost, expand the sales revenue of products in the responsible area, and  expand the market share of products;  3)维护客户关系,保持良好沟通,实时把握客户需求,为客户提供主动、满意、周到的服务;  Maintain customer relations, maintain good communication, grasp customer needs  in real time, and provide customers with active, satisfactory and thoughtful services;  
招聘对象 Recruitment Targets  
23 届应届大学生、21 届及 22 届大学生  The 2021/2022/2023 Graduates  
专业要求 Major requirements  
专业不限,工科类、语言类及市场营销等专业优先  No limit to majors, engineering, language, marketing and other majors are preferred  
工作地点 Working Locations  
国内:绍兴、上海、南阳  Domestic: Shaoxing/Shanghai/Nanyang  海外:美国、墨西哥、日本、韩国、东南亚、EMEA 等  Overseas: USA/Mexico /Japan/South Korea/Southeast Asia/EMEA etc.  
五、加入卧龙 Join Wolong  
简历投递:gs-recruitment@wolong.com  Email Address: gs-recruitment@wolong.com  简历及邮件标题姓名+学校+意向岗位+意向工作地点  Resume & Email subject:Name + University + Job position + Location  
直接联系:钉钉二维码  Direct Contacts:Dingtalk QR Code